
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Joy To The World

"Why is it so cold in here?"  My wife asked.  Contemplating her question, I resolved that is was quite cold in the house.  We progressed through the regular check list of possible causes for the cold.  The frigid December air had found its way into the house.  It was not long until the source was discovered.  My daughter had proudly notified us that she had left her bedroom window open the previous night.  Exasperated, my wife ask "why would you leave your windows open all night, its freezing outside?"  With as smile that seemed to stretch from ear to ear, my daughter announced "to let the tooth fairy in, of course."  The previous night, my daughter had lost yet another tooth.  She had made sure to place the vacated tooth beneath her pillow, in preparation for the beloved fairy's arrival.  I recalled how joyous she was upon discovering her lost tooth.  The tooth fairy would surely come.

My daughter's simple gesture of the open window instantiated serious reflection on my part.  It made perfect sense, even the tooth fairy needs an open window every once in a while.  From a child's innocent perspective, why would a fairy want to trespass in an apparently unwelcoming home.  In our most honest moments, we must admit that a joyous reception and an open window is quite inviting.  Yet, even more striking was that my daughter understood the necessity of preparation.  Perhaps it was her brilliant mother or less brilliant father who inspired such a thought.  However, I'm more inclined to believe that something deep inside informed her actions that night.  Deeper down and further back we understand that huge events require us to prepare with open windows.

At Christmas our hearts swell with joy over the reality of the person and work of Jesus.  Indeed, he has come and set the world right once again.  Mark in his Gospel account recalls a woman who, one day came to Jesus hopeless and broken.  She was taking a great risk, her issue was label "unclean" by those who knew such things.  She was not allowed to enter the public fair, let alone touch anyone.  Yet, there she was, not only in the middle of the market place, but jostled back and forth as she pressed forward toward Jesus.  She thought, "if only I could touch the hem of his garment, it might be enough".  Jesus sensed the moment of her faithful touch.  He could have turned and exposed this ruling breaking woman.  Shockingly, he called her "daughter".  That day, not only was a woman healed from a physical malady, she was restored from spiritual alienation.  I image that this faithful woman could have shut her heart's door.  She had been dismissed as unclean, and cast aside as yesterday's rubbish.  However, upon hearing the announcement that Jesus had arrived, she opened the window of her heart and decided to receive with joy His restoration.

Jesus has come and is coming again.  Let us open the window of our heart and prepare for his arrival.  "Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her king.  Let every heart prepare Him room and heaven and nature sing."  

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Thursday, December 12, 2013

Joy To The World

"Why is it so cold in here?"  My wife asked.  Contemplating her question, I resolved that is was quite cold in the house.  We progressed through the regular check list of possible causes for the cold.  The frigid December air had found its way into the house.  It was not long until the source was discovered.  My daughter had proudly notified us that she had left her bedroom window open the previous night.  Exasperated, my wife ask "why would you leave your windows open all night, its freezing outside?"  With as smile that seemed to stretch from ear to ear, my daughter announced "to let the tooth fairy in, of course."  The previous night, my daughter had lost yet another tooth.  She had made sure to place the vacated tooth beneath her pillow, in preparation for the beloved fairy's arrival.  I recalled how joyous she was upon discovering her lost tooth.  The tooth fairy would surely come.

My daughter's simple gesture of the open window instantiated serious reflection on my part.  It made perfect sense, even the tooth fairy needs an open window every once in a while.  From a child's innocent perspective, why would a fairy want to trespass in an apparently unwelcoming home.  In our most honest moments, we must admit that a joyous reception and an open window is quite inviting.  Yet, even more striking was that my daughter understood the necessity of preparation.  Perhaps it was her brilliant mother or less brilliant father who inspired such a thought.  However, I'm more inclined to believe that something deep inside informed her actions that night.  Deeper down and further back we understand that huge events require us to prepare with open windows.

At Christmas our hearts swell with joy over the reality of the person and work of Jesus.  Indeed, he has come and set the world right once again.  Mark in his Gospel account recalls a woman who, one day came to Jesus hopeless and broken.  She was taking a great risk, her issue was label "unclean" by those who knew such things.  She was not allowed to enter the public fair, let alone touch anyone.  Yet, there she was, not only in the middle of the market place, but jostled back and forth as she pressed forward toward Jesus.  She thought, "if only I could touch the hem of his garment, it might be enough".  Jesus sensed the moment of her faithful touch.  He could have turned and exposed this ruling breaking woman.  Shockingly, he called her "daughter".  That day, not only was a woman healed from a physical malady, she was restored from spiritual alienation.  I image that this faithful woman could have shut her heart's door.  She had been dismissed as unclean, and cast aside as yesterday's rubbish.  However, upon hearing the announcement that Jesus had arrived, she opened the window of her heart and decided to receive with joy His restoration.

Jesus has come and is coming again.  Let us open the window of our heart and prepare for his arrival.  "Joy to the world, the Lord is come, let earth receive her king.  Let every heart prepare Him room and heaven and nature sing."  

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