Trump wins! Wow, it
has been a long and violent election season.
I can’t recall an election cycle as fierce as this one since the last
time we elected a president...and the time before that...and the time before that. Well here are a couple
brief observations that I have found helpful.
- Elections have consequences. When I first heard this phrase employed I was impacted by its simple, yet profound suggestion. Yet the principle behind this thought is as old as time. We live in a cause and effect world. You’ve heard the phrase, “what goes up must come down”. “Elections have consequences” issues from the same principle. Of course they do! What blows my mind is that we are still finding this instructive. Or do we? I am afraid it is possible that we have added this phrase to the long list of things that we overuse to the point of meaninglessness. This occurs when we use a phrase so often that we no longer pay attention to its essential meaning. This is troubling when one considers the implications of ignoring the underlying principle of cause and effect. What would a world that ignores the realities of this principle look like...perhaps much like this one.
- Participation Trophies Needed. Billy Crystal’s frustration in a scene from the movie “Parental Guidance” exemplifies the problem. Crystal’s grandson prepares to pitch to a bully from his school, who stands ready at the place. Three pitches thump the catcher’s glove, three strikes are called, and yet the batter prepares for a forth pitch. Crystal, now beside himself, steps out of the bleachers and requests a conference with the umpire. With a painful expression, the umpire informs Crystal that, “In this league there are no outs, everyone swings until they get on base.” Crystal replies, “but how do you know who wins?” To this the umpire further notes “there are no winners or losers.” I would like to suggest that while there may not be winners, in a world fraught with participation trophies, everyone is a loser. It has been reported that universities have established safe areas where students, distressed by the recent election results can go and cry, or hold puppies, or color. From the other side the shouts ring out “grow up!” Not that I disagree with the short and instructive sediment, However, I fear that they have grown up which is precisely the problem. We have raised an entire generation on a healthy diet of participation trophies and now stand in awe that they cannot handle losing. Why are we surprised?
- This Election is the Most Important Election in the History of Our Nation. Of course it is, but so was the last election. I have noticed that we say this regarding every election. Again, saying the same thing multiple times may not always cause it to become more crucial in a person’s mind, but perhaps more dismissible.
- What Will This Mean for the Church. Much and not much at all. How we go about doing things in the church may change, but that we ought to do them should neither be heightened or lightened by an election’s results. The church’s mission and calling was not altered from November 7th to November 9th. When I woke on the morning of November 9th, I found that my responsibilities as a pastor and Christian were still present. There are broken things, people, and places everywhere and I have been given the blessing and burden of sharing the only real hope that can bring actual change to those broken things, people, and places. Washington can do many things, but it cannot mend brokenness. Washington is merely a city filled with broken and finite man and women, many of which has overestimated their abilities and influence in this world. Throughout history, change has never initiated from the halls which house government bodies, it has always instantiated from God's Holy Spirit in the hearts of his people, and in the churches He planted. Universities can educate, governments can legislate, but only God can propitiate. The church has underestimated its abilities and influence in this world. We are bigger than we think, because the size of God is incomprehensible.
There are surely more observations, but these came immediately
to mind. Stay connected for more soon.
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